My Goals For 2016

At the beginning of every year, everyone seems to make “resolutions”. I’ve never really liked that term, and to this day, I still don’t. Resolutions are something that can be forgotten about, thrown away, and left in the wayside. For this reason, I don’t make “resolutions” for the New Year. I make goals for the New Year. Goals that are broken down into smaller, more achievable action plans and each one has it’s own way that I’m going to keep myself accountable in order to actually complete and accomplish them. So, with that out of the way, what are my goals for 2016?

Well, this year, I’m going to actually make a list of the 5 goals that I have for this year. They aren’t in order of importance by any means, and in no way are they ranked. This is a list in random order. The reason I am doing a list format is because it’s easy to look back on for quick reference. I will be breaking each goal down below, but the list is a quick and easy thing that I can look at to help remind me of the bigger picture.

  1. Lose 133lbs.
  2. Increase my income to $30,000+/month.
  3. Upload 10 videos/week CONSISTENTLY to my YouTube channel.
  4. Post 2 articles/week CONSISTENTLY on this blog.
  5. Increase consistency and quality of my social media presence.

So there they are. All of my goals for 2016. Now that we’ve got the quick list, it’s time to dive much more in-depth, and break them down into smaller, more achievable action plans. These in-depth outlines will be where I look if I’m struggling or having issues with achieving the main goal. These, are the action plans.

1)  Lose 133lbs

This number may seem specific, and that is because it is. Currently, as I am writing this, I weigh 333lbs even. Yes, you read that right – three hundred and thirty three pounds. If that isn’t morbidly obese, I don’t know what the hell is. I have ALWAYS struggled with weight lose, and this year I WILL change that. I’m going to do a few things to hold me accountable, so let’s start with those.

How I’ll Keep Myself Accountable

  1. I will be using Snapchat to document EVERYTHING that I eat. Even if it is a 2AM “cheat” snack, I will tell Snapchat about it. It is VERY important to me that I don’t slip on this. My Snapchat is “NicsGames” by the way.
  2. I will also be using Snapchat to document my weight PUBLICLY every Monday. This will make me want the number to keep going down and allow me to easily share the journey with you guys.
  3. I will keep track of “good days”, those in which I eat healthy, and “bad days”, those in which I don’t eat healthy. In order to better understand patterns and make sure I don’t have more than one “bad day” in a row.
  4. I will donate $1 for every pound I don’t lose to a charity that I hate. I don’t know exactly what charity, but it will be one that helps kids get into colleges WITHOUT full tuition paid. A good thing for many people a horrible thing to someone who hates the current college/university system.

And there you have it. The above 4 things will keep me accountable to losing weight. Never previously have a had an accountability system like this, and thus, I hope it will help me stay on track. With that being said, we aren’t done. We still need to discuss what steps and lifestyle changes I will be making in order to ACTUALLY lose the weight. Having an accountability system is nothing without a true action plan, so let’s define my action plan.

My Action Plan For Losing 133lbs

  1. I will be drinking 2 liters of water/day and only drink water when eating at restaurants. This will prevent me from drinking my calories. Something that I currently do all the time.
  2. I will limit meat to two meals/day, and stop eating red meat entirely. Less meat will help me digest food better, and the negative effect of red meat are numerous.
  3. I will eat some kind of leafy green with every single meal. Leafy greens provide more energy, help awareness, and so much more. Including them in every meal in some capacity is a no brainer.
  4. Be active in some capacity at least 3 days/week. For many people, 3 days/week of activity is nothing. For me, it’s 3 more days than I currently get. When I do get active, I feel better. So, let’s do it consistently, and show it off on Snapchat!

And there you have it. My accountability system and action plan for losing 133lbs in 2016. This is a massive undertaking, and completing it will make an entirely new me in terms of my health. Lets hit this head on!

2) Increase my income to $30,000+/month.

For some reason, people seem scared to make financial goals public. I, however, don’t really care at all. In all honesty, I really don’t understand the stigma everyone has about money. It just doesn’t make sense to me, so my primary financial goal for 2016 is to make $30,000/month consistently. In the past, I’ve had $6,000+ months, but this is 5 times that. How will I achieve this? I’m glad you asked. It also involves an accountability system and an action plan. You’ll notice that’s a trend for all of my goals.

How I Will Keep Myself Accountable

  1. I will strive to not have any “zero” days. Zero days are day in which I do NOTHING towards my goal. Like I will be keeping up with the “good days” I have in regards to weight lose, I will be doing the same with zero days. Marking down when I have them and when i don’t.
  2. I will use this blog as a way to be open and honest on my journey. While I won’t be doing open income reports like Pat Flynn, I will be sharing everything that I try in regards to business here. This will insure that I keep trying.
  3. I will Snapchat all wins and failures as they happen. This is an extra layer in addition to the blog. Documenting as things happen makes sure that someone is told even if the failure is embarrassing.

And there is my accountability system. Now, as mentioned above, we also need an action plan, so let’s get that outlined. Something unique you’ll see here is that I try my best to make things specific, but with this goal, it is very difficult as businesses are never truly predictable without any validation.

My Action Plan For Consistently Making $30,000/Month

  1. Patrick and I will be starting 12 business in 12 months this year. This is where I plan to get my biggest income increase this year, and we will accomplish this by working AT LEAST 3 days/week every week.
  2. I will invest in learning how to grow a business using methods other than YouTube/promotion to my current audience. Currently, most of my success in online business has came from promoting to my inner-circle/audience I’ve build over the years or YouTube marketing, and while this is definitely a valid marketing strategy, it’s not sustainable for long term growth and sales.Thus, this year, I will be investing in learning how to this. I’ve already started by purchasing the Monthly1k course, and by consuming as much free information I can find.
  3. I will finally after almost 5 years start uploading consistently to my YouTube channel. This is mentioned as a separate goal, so I won’t go into how here. But, my consistent YouTube uploads will create a more consistent and growing income from YouTube.
  4. I seek opportunity and be open to new ideas, businesses, and ways to earn income. In the past, I’ve been shut off from this by my own choice. This year, I want to open up to it.

Woah, we’re just now done with goal number 2, and we’re 1,300 words in. This is going to be a long one. Anyway, with the completion of this goal, I will have succeeded at something I’ve wanted for a very long time. I will also be able to purchase my first supercar – a Nissan GTR. Let’s. Make. It. Happen.

3) Upload 10 videos/week CONSISTENTLY to my YouTube channel.

One of the biggest things I’ve struggled with on YouTube is  uploading consistently. This is something I’ve never been truly able to do, and this year, I will fix that. This is one of the goals I am most determined to accomplish, so let’s get on into how I’ll keep myself accountable as well as my action plan in order to make it happen.

How I Will Keep Myself Accountable

This has actually made me realize why I have never been consistent on YouTube – I’ve never known how to keep myself accountable. For this year though, I’m going try to keep myself accountable by using a reward – a big reward. If I consistently upload to my channel, I will spend 2 months traveling Europe in 2017. If not, I will withhold myself from that trip until 2019. That is quite a way to hold me accountable because a big Eruopean excursion is something I’ve always wanted to do.

My Action Plan For Uploading 10 videos/week

  1. I will dedicate one day/week to making YouTube videos. This will give me enough time to record 10 videos as well as edit them.
  2. I will dedicate 1 hour/day to uploading videos. This gives me enough time to get 3 uploads/day. Yes, that does leave more time than needed, and that is planned.
  3. I have bought a new Macbook Pro, it is on its way, that will allow me to edit on the go – this is a big deal as it’ll help me edit even when I’ve got cabin fever.

YouTube has always been a hard thing for me to be consistent with and be dependable with, and I hope all of the actions that I am taking above along with the accountability system will actually make it happen.

4) Post 2 articles/week CONSISTENTLY on this blog.

One of my biggest work related goals outside of YouTube and what Patrick and I are doing is the blog you are reading this article on right now. I have wanted to start a blog for a LONG time, and I finally did it at the beginning of this year. Thus, I’m not going to let it slip into the cracks. I want the content on it to be relevant, helpful, and something that you, the reader, want to actually spend time reading. In addition to this, I want it to have consistent posts which will go up every Tuesday and Friday. Now, how will I keep myself actionable and be sure these two posts get up every week.

How I Will Keep Myself Accountable

Just like with YouTube, I believe this only requires one accountability method. I will keep myself accountable by donating $2 to the above charity, the one that I don’t like, for every article I miss starting the week this article goes up – the week of February 21st. So far, we’re off to a good start considering this is the article that starts it all.

My Action Plan For Posting 2 articles/week

  1. Have topics ahead of time. This has already been accomplished as I have way more topics than I could ever write on this year already planned out.
  2. Dedicated any remaining time from my YouTube channel to the blog. This may seem like second hat, but it’s not. I should have around 4 hours of extra time after everything is done for YouTube. That’s plenty of time to get things squared away with this blog.

5) Increase consistency and quality of my Twitter presence.

Social media is something I’m very interested in, but it’s also something I have never truly done consistently and at great quality. This year, I will and already have changed that. The methods at which I use will be in a different article, but for now let’s talk about how I’m keep myself accountable and my quick plan for getting it done.

How I Will Keep Myself Accountable

  1. Focus on interaction. No interaction means I need to step my game up. I love the social aspect of Twitter. This will keep me going.
  2. By using the above two goals, my YouTube and blog, to keep creating new content for my to tweet out. This keeps me tweet. This works as accountability for the above as well as this goal. A 3 for one!

My Action Plan For Posting More Consistently At Better Quality on Twitter

The action plan is simple. I will use Edgar. This allows me to NEVER run out of social media posts by pulling from an endless queue. I will update and add new content to this queue once every two week in order to keep things fresh and make sure everything doesn’t get to repetitive. I’ve also got a content plan that helps me know what and how much of each type of post I make I need to do.

6) Keep. Things. Awesome.

This is a bonus goal and won’t have an action plan or anything like that like every other goal in this post. This goal is a simple one. I’ve got a pretty freaking awesome life. I’ve got a beautiful girlfriend and a kickass best friend who also just happens to be the best business partner in the world. I have a loving family that support me and helps me in every way they can, and overall, things in my life are great. I want to keep this going all the way through 2016. My goal is to keep investing as much time as I can with those I love and nurturing relationships that are already pretty freaking awesome.

And there it is. My goals for 2016. This actually isn’t even all of them. There are some that will fall into place when these are completed, so these are the main goals and focuses that will keep me rocking in 2016. What are some of your’s? Post them in the comments down below!

Nic King Written by:

Nic is a serial internet entrepreneur, and you have happened upon his blog. Here, you'll find his ramblings about everything from YouTube, to mindset, to business, to life in general.